Want to know exactly what your leads are thinking as they experience your sales process?

Let us experience your sales process as a 'secret shopper' and tell you where we get confused, where we lose trust, and how to make your sales process easier, simpler, and faster for potential customers.

Clients’ who implement our recommendations after our ‘Secret Shopper’ sales process audit

convert leads into sales 50% better.

Do you really understand what a lead is experiencing with your sales team? Our secret shopper audit helps you understand where you’re losing trust in the sales process, where you need to simplify it for customers, and how you could speed up the sales cycle

Case Study

Wolfsmithes property consultants saw an 50% increase in quarterly sales 3 months after implementing recommendations from the ‘Secret Shopper’: Sales Process Audit.

This increase occurred at multiple points of their sales funnel, as seen below.

Case Study

Sales Funnel Stage Conversion Rates

(Quarterly Comparison)

Who should do this?

Here’s some questions that will help you realise if this could be a valuable exercise for your business:
  • Do you know where your potential customers are most likely to fall off?
  • Are you regularly listening to the calls of your sales people to see what customers are hearing?
  • Are you clear on what section of your sales funnel people decide you are the best option for them?
  • Do you know if customers are finding any parts of your sales process confusing?
  • Do you know if customers are finding any parts of your sales process a waste of time?

Our Story

As an agency, Multiply Digital has helped over 2000 businesses understand their market niche and deliver high-performing digital campaigns. 

But when you’re providing a service, generating cheap leads doesn’t always equal success.

What we’ve learnt from doing this for more than 10+ years is that there are many factors within a sales process that can win or lose you that next client.

Our Story

What do we audit?

Most owners have never fully experienced their sales process as a customer.

Things like the timing of automated emails that come compared to what you’re talking about in the sales calls, or other ads we start seeing because we have enquired with yours.

So, what do we look at when we audit a company’s sales process and call flow?

  • What can you simplify in your sales process?
  • Where do your customers lose trust in your brand?
  • What changes will make your prospects buy faster?
  • How can you automate more to create a better experience for customers and save time for sales teams?

What’s Included?

What do we audit?

One of our ‘secret shoppers’ will enquire via your website as a regular lead to experience your sales process.

Once completing the sales process, our team will provide feedback and a report on their customer journey i.e. phone calls, video calls, automated emails.

You will then receive a report which includes the areas that are working well and the areas likely to be losing you customers.
The report will also include;
A map of your sales process as experienced by our team.
Areas of your sales funnel identified as complicated, confusing or likely to lose clients.
Areas of your sales funnel that could be simplified, automated or sped up in order to reduce lead-to-sale timeframes.
A revised sales funnel for you and instructions on how to implement it to improve sales conversion.
Recommendations on language / communication use that would improve sales conversion.
Audio recordings of all discussions

HOW THE ‘Secret Shopper’:

Sales Process Audit WILL HELP YOU

You know your sales process could be improved…

It’s hard to get the answers you need from sales people. Conversations tend to go around in circles and lead quality is always blamed.

You know there are ways to make things easier for your customers, but you’re not sure exactly what that looks like.

You personally don’t have the time to investigate where your sales team/processes are losing customers.

Utilising our human team of ‘secret shoppers’ who will not only test out your sales funnel ie. digital marketing, website, your automated emails but also engaged with your sales team to understand how a ‘cold audience’ experiences your sales funnel.

The team will look and report on opportunities for you to;
Reduce repetitive actions and communication from your team using videos or emails
Qualify leads faster and spend less time talking to those who won’t buy from you, or worse, become your worst clients.
Understand the stages where your prospective clients lose trust in you and look at competitors.
Ensure the unique selling points of your business are quickly understood by your prospects so they don’t feel the need to look elsewhere.

Why is a digital marketing agency helping to improve sales teams?

Why Us?

Being a performance based agency where our management fees increase and decrease dependant on the revenue generated by our clients our revenue is tied to our clients ability to convert the leads we generate.

Utilising a team with over 10 years of experience in sales and digital marketing, we began assisting our clients in identifying and implement ways to improve their lead-to-sales conversion. If they close more of our leads, we make more money, it was a win-win.

What this developed is a sales process audit developed by a digital marketing team, using the experience of salespeople who have experience closing online leads for some of Australia’s biggest brands, and using the REAL thoughts of an actual potential buyer we use as the secret shopper.

Book a call

Book a call with our team to learn more, ask any questions, and discover if we think this exercise will improve your conversion rates.
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